Walls of Ages

The walls of the ancient is fitted with stone rocks
Of size and weight ordinary human hands
Would have had great pain and difficulty raising into place
Beyond that which time placed as such
The question is a evading one
Before the Lion Sphinx of Egypt and Pyramids
Before the death of that early civilization
Or the period of Jurassic dinosaur and giants called man
Against which we today roughly measure up to
For historical significance the bones found suggest
Large keepers of the wall
That might have come about to be
By monsters of thought or space vehicles
Cranes lasers and probably ended well before
Current social orders came together
Ending with the advent of flies mosquitoes
Carrying germs to different parts of the world
The age of change ice ages Teutonic plates shifting
And social orders following writing their dreams
Will they ever return claim their
Once walled kingdom maybe
But hard to keep secrets birth and death
Beyond the many walls.


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