Atlantis Founded.

Reading the news recently,
Dredging the oceans today and tomorrow
Will find stranger things to come
But the most recent find is startling
Noticeably the statue or stone image of a bull
Suggesting the worship of the Cretin Bull
What can happen if you worship the Cretin Bull
A lot more Gods exist than the Cretin Bull via vi
How far back in History was that yesterday
On a continent or island called Atlantis or search for
Well I don't think it was when the dinosaurs or taradactiles
Were food hunters or unusual cave men took down beasts
A island would have protected the inhabitants, disease as well
How far back in history, suggesting another's religious doctrine
Intelligence beings of some kind existed and wrote history
A page to our intelligence presently being newly written
Now today another view is to follow
Study of mars through its Rovers and great engineering skills
Rusty Mars, water beneath its crust, mountains unconquered
Waiting for the United States to send people to live there
How are they to eat no commercial stores or potato cellars
How long will tube food last the lifetime memory unreplacable
One room for growing things another recycling the other to stink
Modules will have to be done in sequel I think from history
Because rocket lift off is very dangerous and cost unnecessary life
Perhaps another century more likely than now being the time
But Mars is better than the moon
Other than being our strategic point of endeavor.


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