New Ideas.

The USAF is a expanding Space Force
NASA is a proven space explorer
Satalites outside of the Suns bubble
Rovers drilling stone and earth in a geographical effort
To understand the planet Mars
When the little colony touches down on mars
Takes on a new pilgrimage
It will stand alone as a permanent base
For of NASA and a shadow of the upcoming space force
In leadership courage and borrowing a page
From the Hollywood cinema to the volunteers bringing
To go beyond and create sturdy 🌲 trees vegetable 🌽 plants
For a long cold stay and other things not thought about
Other than a can of rusty dirt drops of water
Fertilizer seed to create a Garden of Eden
A little Eden waiting for a tree to grow
Into the size of reason through the cold of this planet
Gaining NASA in their space accomplishments
Wishing them all well meaningful successful efforts
But no colony will be able to survive without these things
Water 💦 permanent panaseer to the greater hope and plan
Refertilize Mars Earth for all of us
Of course it will take time water
Not given new ideas.


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