Giants in the shadows..

Archeologists point to the great stones cut and laid
Who’s weight and cut defy logic being placed
One on or next to the other temples now a vacant ruin
Except for the little fly only understood seemingly now
Lay their eggs certain fecal matter and make more eggs
And cross breed germs little germs that destroyed the giants
Well where did they come from and go giant and winged germ
But as with science per say if it were enough to say but do
Lay upright or over each fifty ton stones cut channeled fit
Lasers of some other secret from unknown dimension of space
What and why became of this unknown treasured mention history
Water is always a challenge to resurrect its secrets
Whether you can walk the length to safety or remain
And wait for another bridge to build long intervals between
Then the search of human habitation should allow
That beneath the rock or between such more discourse
None-now go to the likelihood it was created by a unique UFO
Not that there such all just built that way given the lighted course
Very unique are the scientific crop circles and light waves in the sky
Geometric symbols or other noticed by many prying eyes today
Does it bother we rally the flag and swords to our comings goings
And about a little slavery in world book pages marked.
