The Mideast rush to dust.

The Mideast scenario continues to ascend
bringing conflict again and the pain of exodus
the rising dust is from bombs its death
this is a continuing conflict of religion clashing
political parties of egregious nature
armies having no specifics to reshape safety
which doesn’t work good but lessens
that particular enemy to promote wars
a war with the USA of death and destruction
including historical articles history of countries
the many discussions of the decades and earlier
saw the destruction of stone records of the Mideast
great minds couldn’t decipher the walled language
or artwork before the modern era drew attention
in part to removing some record of civilization
to think they are in that conflict this long
to hide our conclusions or ideas of history
history is somewhat less understood today
the great interest in the ancients of the Mideast
along with the early Central America’s interest
had their own beliefs weather right or wrong
or two wrongs don’t make a right
the world is a mediocrity challenging time
in a wanton evil wall after wall
that may be the dividing cover up.
