Both Houses becoming another Parliament.

As to the fantasy change becoming real
Where does it begin and end tomorrow’s call
The first breech of trust has been a demeaning
Of  the American profile with whip and chain
The next coming was the holding the naturals
Under the threat of languish and now
The long carry on is the end to emancipate
Freedom and speech the reason of American Citizenry
To know the intentions of one such rule
Because of laws in question through family rule conscription
The importance of the newest edition to our defense
Is the Space Force, well the newest eye in space
Will be the ingenuity of people to create a viable space force
With the eye on our solar system outlined by two satellites
That have traveled beyond the suns influence this anew
To influence at the furthest point recharge solar properties
Battery pins will or can through a robotic plan
Rotate our intelligence operations in space as needed
One day that day keeping abreast of our need to change
The things in space called developments and safety
Well how does this obviously keep my story of, UFO Real, in step
It will if we are wise liken to or that of weather satellites
Monitor the solar system under the suns influence
As such UFO,s aren’t already using the solar system recharging
Their brains if any, why it is important to map all the squares
Throughout the solar system before the dark brings
Any creatures into our terms and lessoning choice to make
While we still have our thoughts over such whatever things
It is very important to remember the military was ordered
To fire on the hungry World War One veteran’s over pensions
We can’t have this tomorrow or bringing home that end.
Daniel A McMahon.
