
Not only the first thought 
It is a frozen over fish pond
While the stork waits patiently 
This comes under the changing features in time
Sight sound the inconsequential difference unmeasured 
Is that what you don’t know most assuredly exists or will
The cusp of the Milky-Way likens of the coins edge & density 
Where Earth our planet or world is positioned within its outer edge
But to note that part of our outer galaxy is extraordinary rich
Many many millions of stars about why increase the search for life
Beyond Milky-Ways edge or galaxy to see into other spears of interest
From photo synthesis at the time of the Big Bang carried a long way
Why look beyond our stars and ports of call using older sailing guides 
Which tempest brought all the seeds to changing venues 
Life to be or with a little help of God, Church, winds of chance
Little known is the real suffering placed on humanities shoulders 
Saints and sinners stand behind the walled line so lit established
Planetary talks are really out of our league outside our galaxy
So if your dropping by from somewhere above or from without mention
You are not in the Cusp of our model of the Milk-Way or extended zip code
So Who’s up there the thought to blame, there is not a exact science to model
Because they cannot see presently other worlds moons orbiting the stars
Improvements to and maintaining our sciences and beliefs will go a long way
R “JOKE, walkie talkies on new wave light lengths out there.


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