Martian Terrain.
The terrain of Mars have the building blocks
A very different world in which case the appearance
Of windows doors are in synchronization of a very strange
World which under other geological reasoning the geologist struggle
Are stuck for answers that lie in and beneath of the weathered earth
I am in awe as how stones are one on top of another liken to a challenge
The beautiful colors of the rock formation rustic red of mars and laden grey
The color wheels providing or producing this color in caves and earthy forms
Minerals in the interiors are like one or two shades of the gold shimmering seen
By perseverance a few feet beyond this which is not seen nature has it secrets sort of
It can change like a spinning spiders web drawn to a irreversible darkness curtained wall
And sea if water still exist, NASA thinks there is a chance of water still within, red water
Don’t know just a idea but then red like mixtures are a more forceful element challenging
The study of Martian, Mars conspiracies from the tip of my pen to our ink wells and tales
A story of time is the billions of years of the planets orbit throughout the Milky Way
The ocean of stars and worlds I place our planets earth and close body of planets observable
In a definite order drawing a line from earth either way say it is a line called, Parallel
Draw it without deviation in a circular line around the Milky-Way the lines north or south
Where given planets may exist near or far from the point measurement are all the promises
And viable earths the worst of it are planets that did not developed to the hands of creation
To successfully develop the other line or graph outer and inner is a very great distance away
And to reach but if that was early and successful life and development was with greed against
The grain that carry the seed to life follow and developer’s from early times to now exist
But not without migration and this is the key not the sword because the rivers of life to reach
May very well been a addition to our world winds rains asteroids inner turbulence carrying
What I describe as constructive change and from the winding parallel this is my present theory
How did Mars turn rustic red it’s stones noticeable placed on top of another become that
It began and became well before we can imagine the thought I have may partnered this
Given the research to read the tea leaves one billion B.C missing archeological examination
But remember I stated before I like to add my “sci,fi” same as Americas tax bonnet
Adding to the crown, it’s feathers, the gangs of N,Y, changing strategies.
(C) Daniel A McMahon