The fox in the coop.

A tale of a UFO aircraft in limbo 
A fast game of three chance monte 
The globe my finger touched and moved
Spoke in my mind with or away to bring order
The era continued to be made of war and disorder
War is war referring to open and closed conflicts
I wore no mask to hide what I thought but day becomes
The long night and the hours of meditation become Lord
If you have a faith religion to embrace some don’t are forgotten
And don’t have any sanctified houses to enter into Gods promise
My Bible refers to the end a passage in the New Testament today
“ I saw the fox pass by the coop I saw the coop in disarray 
And a slinky shadow steal in the dark I do believe was evil”
That darkness of the brightness cannot prevail with good reason
Being my opinion which may change or I may exact take anew
A different journey the journey of a soul by a saint it is written 
The other in flight to unknown worlds or therein a Rome to be sent
And the trial of the saint where there will be a run to the flights Rome
Evil becomes evil the joy to some change becoming life but this Rome
Of course the Saint never reaches Rome presumably to judge or be judged
But the steps of the cross a great misjudgment where a Saint was condemned 
And judgement to others sued the world which we will argue in light to exist
You can imagine now all the UFO,s gathering to reach Rome with their evil
A period of evil but great intelligence or self crowned intelligence neither true
But worth a try if in a trap it can take a century of time to create in absence to
A true prophet waiting for and following the book of the prophets justly said
On paper and ink I speak out but remember we are not all of the same faith
They the Martians are out of a evil beginning no such Bible or words are written
But word of mouth called to heal the herald of the cross fallen on hard times
The Middle East is always a world away from the truth such I saw upon the rock
Near to entering the temple of scribe’s tomorrows special assignment.


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