Cave Civilizations.

I believe there is such a similarity 
Between the lost Indians or more specific
Indigenous peoples tribal caves carved out of stone
Becoming quarters of living and safety only remaining 
Entrances on Mars to the South/West seemingly identical 
The sight of these caves what is being said seen about this
Drawing a very similar picture of the, to the doors & windows 
Or entrances to Mars hillsides of just that, so similar remaining 
Either the photo groups I call it, just that the U.S. present studies
Show a great similarity of construction? so where are they now
Friend or foe our World has a gate, archeological records set in stone
And explained in a redundant history are we correct in continuing with
Little or more search for the truth is what goes there primates or beast’s 
Two sets of facts but leaving out any suggestions of the cave monsters
Being one, let’s create a story it starts like others seen in sci, fi movies
The last survivor is recording the loss of all the Mars science researchers 
But for his or hers explaining of posterity to the planet Earth that was home
Home away from home for a Earth that was their home once and Mars entwined 
The minutes recorded a journey to the cave dweller’s shadows of ships journey
And the costs of space/ware for accommodation, but not for unperceived things
The cave dwellers had a secret, called the cave monster, knew not a bit about
The last of the science crews call big/foots howl, now the changing of the ๐Ÿ’‚guard
Taken away or behind a wall of a world NASA now is charting a investigation 
Free space bore yesterday and opposed to some kind of living quarters is the new
Norm from the Martian Caves of very similar to ancient carved out holes about the
Rocky hills and high points of Mars and Earths Southwest, yesterday yesterday and
Yesterday it’s caves entwined are duly noted to be or un/be what ๐Ÿ wonders is
The case against or for the wonders of bees to pollinate the spring or live beneath
The surface of the planet in ado or do what we think as little survival materials
Earth flower and water two of those things exist, water and Earth, water beneath
The Grand Canyon and Earth where you hook the spade to the watered ground
“To return to my story line, a meteor hits Earth ๐ŸŒ and communication with Earth lost
The scientific station, the last of the science crew is the person recording the path
Of the present danger the flight of the message not received the cause for alarm lost
And members of the exhibition unavailable it’s a redundant theme, I came I saw and
Lost my way in side of these caves echoing a mistrust today the end becomes brittle
The night shorter and inside of these caves echoing a mistrust all the coming days.




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