Million miles from here.

Thank God Mars is about two million miles from here
As if I were the only person studying Mars with sci,fi thoughts
The science rovers camera picturing taking drones flight testing
Great but how does the Rovers and Drone see inside the red hills
I think I remember Congress or that arm of government yesterday
Requesting transparency of NASA in that as a true effort to facts
All those caves on Mars are incredible only similar caves I notice 
Are seen in the cliff walls of the south western states of the USA 
Not including the great number of caves world wide registered
So only going on those facts about caves and entering, “Big Foot”
Time and place fact and fiction a very fine line to science fiction
Now you can’t include all similar things under one idea, not unless
One cave maybe, a idea rises of a cave monster makes lot of sense
If all the caves on Mars connect or the sub/earth of Mars rooted vines
Seeking some kind of nourishment replication to the next level fought
Call it the rat run kinda scary inside the Red Dune.



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