The waters edge.

The walk along the waters edge
Looking for broken pieces carried in the tide
Bridging both sides drawn together but for heathens
Souls one remembers gathering for sacraments and prayers 
The sun comes out night goes in the just encased in jewelry  
The unjust in cane and corn the corn went out from lands edge
Returned to carry the cane from other edge and grew in stature 
How the world grew richer and a bit poorer came the UFO,s
And began trading parliaments for non-wealth of reason soap box story
spies came to the tech shows changed the shelfs administered touch screen 
Erases this if war comes to fruition and marks to others signal or sink
The old worlds stand/fast against the loss of gained harvest and hands
To pull rice harvest corn wheat others fowl and feathers begin the hunt
But as noted pacification is the word for war that never becomes scalable
War has continued throughout our time on earth and it’s most valued asset
The children of God that is this guiding light and not the wrecking cane
That never prevails a longer stay or day under the welt of hate and shame
The prelates carrying of crosses along the faithfuls walk to the finality
The reality is that this act is a sword greater than our sleep can profess
However short or long as God wills it can be a shining perfection of wills 
I see no reason for war but against the hypothetical climb to the safer realms 
War cannot exist reach but to micro/manage comes with terms as outlined 
First with or without gold threads and sandals the cost of such war and return
To normal return the argument of many but if rock and sword lie buried in state
Rubble is no art journey the return of actors being that said move the red chip
To the un/betted square and watch the wheel stop now eye raising or ending
The war over hypothetical views and treaties read signed on my sci,fi journey
To save some remnants on board in search now for a new world call it earth 
Dear Mars tomorrows living habitat puts together wind held panes sheltering 
The wonders of Mars stand between east and west this no war is better than 
All sides moving parts to a war self serving mode in addition to the world shelf
Such is the history of mankind and the mold it perceived and preserved leadership
This is the earths history or near it captured by the Helmet Chiefs chain and mail
To a more modern square all aboard beyond the ru, and run came the word 
A new accord was penciled in pad and tale secrets of paper heads or talking heads 
As they are called brought to a silly end war cannot build or rebuild only we are
Allowed by guardians the standing of wares and squares or vise versa now allowed
So where and why at the borders edge not set up the stone blocks as a impairment 
To slow down the ground swell to change course save for peace life’s social breathe.

(Daniel A McMahon)

