The saucers photoshopped us from outside this world
Focusing on two countries fighting, sci, fi fantasy
But the reality the stare or look given by a extraterrestrial
Any different than our look of matters, similar rejections
Of course, so begging intelligence sort of works that way
How is photoshopping error seen, quick judgements stated
But are challenges in our minds the truth or rather sale points
The way, so from far away we are of these points reached
By the challenged to the norm as I see are educational
It appears man’s early studies classical, write, make and greet
Are the real point, man’s pointing and class creation direction
So Leo and Taurus and others are well meaning but unrelenting
Their step never changes but the artistry’s did many times over
From mankind’s early classroom studies in continuance today
Or can be repointed to create something else including myself
“ Thinking we can bring water beneath Mars Great Grand Canyon
To the surface building a space port of sort to good use and keep
As well as The USA 🥅 Post, but the early stargazers handed the
GoldPost on to the learned Greeks in stages only to see it in ashes
The worlds first great library, where language math and history taught
So how did 1+1 =2 we figured it out, mans genetics sought out the light
But I question ancient history which for centuries called non-existent facts
From Prisoners of War, history and judgements sometimes often prejudicial
More about people places things on and off the scale not reassuring for history
Like falling off the grain such was slavery or the scale like falling off to purgatory
Both in some thought and measure cannot be proven but being what is God always
Is God and cannot be turned away so following my first thought wars are destroyers
Captive of such I’ll truth-fiction lost and denied reversing the goodness at hand until
You catch them in another band proving yourself right because it’s not your song
Is it our end? coming, not our song.