Under the Guise.

Under the guise of sci,fi fantasy I can say a lot or not
If need turn away how I am playing my dealt cards as such
Bet or fold as to what will be as such not previously known
I see the hand both as fantasy pilot or Freelance UFO reporter
Investigating UFO,s not in your back yard but what has been
Described as UFOS the reality the walk and or the end 
Another reality listen to your number being called out 
As a child I ran from the afternoon cinema more because
The size of the screen and the actors actresses being larger
Todays reality has me wondering at Ukraines Camelot at war
Fallen from grace not knowing Russian red blooded conquests 
The alcohol doesn’t change winter to spring or spring to fall 
Or still to still well what is the end drip drip drip not the coffee
Terrible days and issues must be questionable to success or not
Are UFOS 🛸 in the Q, the Suns point of residency or our Suns position
It is the central position in our solar system all points are unequal borders
The suns rings which change throughout do not go beyond the suns influence
It is not reaching out, for example, you might be able to charge a solar pin battery 
Micro computer a three part tiny science lab, micro tasks, but it might take a year
Or more for all its bars to raise to the level I mentioned, add robotics seated arms legs
At our science table inserting charged computer pins adding and replacing achieves 100%
Or retreat to modem breakdown or shutdown at some lesser point here is needed conjecture 
Judgement and measure space worlds with and without my, Sci, fi fantasy,  given a new nod
Well let’s really look at this urging Ukraine to be a new member state of NATO at the wolfs den
With a earlier rifle and stand it raised hands becoming so sad of the thing’s lying in road’s way 
What then of the cards at hand and remaining issues being that of Ukraine and Covid-19’s vaccines 
The curse of the wrong way, Sino Soviet ideology, that split Russias economy, you and me and them
No gas no drive no war no more it is a end to a way or in the the sky lines hills a view to rule or ruin
Daniel Alfred McMahon
