The other day.

The joy of life exploding all about the world 
Spring has sprung the return of green growing 
Reaching into new new corners that the seed 
Of life carried to other parts and nearby lands
But the other day the world 🌎 in part darken
Due to a war requested by another kind of seed
What began that bore a evil death worlds away
Saw another kind of seed odd and even armies
I began the Other Day reading about the news
I saw a image this day of cities on fire and ruin
One of which God spared the breath of life limb
Another was swept away by raging mountain fire
It began with the coming world seasons changes 
Even so the war is a seed that carried life’s end
But life’s regenerative seed as death isn’t govern 
Nor the issues without voice the voices of many 
Just that it became the other day the voices of few
There isn’t a day I can predict a day of light peace
But it became just that the other day I note here
There not a chance or prediction when it will end
But it must here and now we must march for peace
Because of high places in the world changed locks
Its terror no other words fit deaths doors description
That the seed which awoke from beneath the broken 
Unseen earth took to replace our well being existence 
A seed in real terms the last of tables bread and hand 
The other day a lost hand seized the moment no win
Care replaced the loss and said of life beyond the day
Another seed will become the new life and breath that
God created or breath God saves or on to you to do.

