Journey to the planet Earth.

Was it said about Gods word in the beginning 
Began a good challenge enough said
Then it is ours to see and write ✍️ it out
Gods ledger of sort the black smoke rule
Reflects the Churches papers and prejudice 
Described by Polly Anna penny for your thoughts
The dead lie the roadside arise cries the will of living
Arise will not nor I to condemn the side to lay not
A prelate cannot without criticism or red the rising
Rank of the Churches Sea sit near the wars end wait
The living to rush against the wheel of the apostles hand
And lay waste to Gods Will but bring out the white flag 
Or retreat which wave of the flags victories to pray join in
But not so the war it is kin to others the mirror to come 
No different who wins now but rather a lull fills the air
Ones side of military rule as a place not now recognized 
For the best of reasons I cannot predict because of the rush
Of report and barely can keep abreast to the sides reporting
The wars disposition and other in medias reporting war events
Creating anger and a painful slow social change name is war
One thing to note America is having to replace drones rockets
Their attack plan for a bigger assault supply demand in limbo?
Wanting to extend their attack into deep Russia cause not celeb 
A war brought about by fascination to join NATO to Countries
Bordering Russia and the Ukraines warm sea port where wars on
The argument the path of the war and costs are just publicly seen
To think it is a new phone tablet where the dead are listed to see
I count the dead the countries report in that a charm just appeared
Not anyway you might think but a new American President visited
Ukraine a state of noticeable wheat and grains a bank on wheels 
Well I sent the American President a text of three words, STOP THE WAR
This is the country where war is being waged is about in support to NATO
These military steps has caused great grief to Russia and the Ukraine 
Such goes the way of Grief and comes the Ukraine, stranger has happened
Cities lay in waste along the military lines of this conflict of the war such
The war the Earth lived to avoid.



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