Man and his story.

The social train riding on the stars tracks believe 
The wheels are stars many stations stop and go
Those with more interest clamming for attention
Created the social climb a Lion a hunter and bow
The teachings taught our minds and choice a future
From once dawn to dusk northern star to body chains
Not leaving the flock or spinning a tale change occurred
The making of a rock to a pyramid and stones throw away
Of the Moon Mars in its space having once been in its dust
When dinosaurs roamed but trains rockets ware now climbing 
In that once long and square root of realignment, Sci, fi fantasy 
We are explaining ourself and the stars why they are so important
Ancient stone cutters religious priests knowledge of God and Man
Those stones cutters made very magnificent alters & worship history
Some exhibited very large statues of “man made Gods changing beliefs
Immense size and power associated in its great stone God head and stare
Even to the Crystal Skulls the wonder and association are within to regrade 
We are seeing in our studies a clear crystal view or a little of a staged drama
Drawn to our attention and Bow to create such unwritten the UFO logo set in
Today most functioning of minds explain these things without blur set in gold
What you want to understand is the standing of goals or lions of prey have made
Ours or theirs birds of same in air or on as gloved hand.



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