Free Space.
Is not legally the jurist of the bully pulpit present
Or other assimilated tokens that limits the rule of law
Driven by dirty rules having no previous cause “celeb,
The old ranting story that the sky is falling is inaccurate
The longest time or space doesn’t have a clock being that
It created rules space is a continuum somewhere between
A rock and hard place may be the real story the real worlds
That may exist parallel to this earth are the changes allowing
One to change think of revolting news why I wonder fit free
Does end or begin somewhere roll that was created yesterday
Remaining a dogma to currant rule I challenge the quandary
In existence but the bricks and mortar or beliefs falling apart
Compress this the hidden variables are the awful lie perpetrated
We are alone but not any more I think is struck to undo all this
Bring in all the behind closed doors you banged on to state your
Control and inject a evil they made the closest thing to this secret
Spy plot where I think to say they don’t have a legitimate view
To stand on like a three legged chicken it’s smacks of bad actors
Other things preexisting through and in histories records but do
Or speak out leads us to the next day or when the sun betrays us.