Waring States and Ragamuffin Once Army.

A historical view of waring states my sci,fi fantasy 
Is trapped on its banks is my clear understanding 
The waring nature of mankind can be summed by
Centuries of waring, European, American Conflicts
Or states and Crowned Governments by fair or fowl 
Are a wheel still spinning it’s effects without breaks
Why the men and woman came brought their families 
As if their previous type governments left expelled
The growing families populations manage their affairs
One square Army alignment of divisions it controls 
That square is liken to a chess board of those wars 
It changed when then General George Washington
The First American President led the Army across
The Delaware river and into the darkness of safety 
Changing the nature of the war to reset wars ending
A wooden defense as well as bringing down its order
Sniping of its General Staff in the thick of the forest
A away study seems the simplicity of this new defense
Which produced a new nation and American government
This is the course of the wars end a idea reaching into today
The Bulge the jungles the trenches the desert roads and seas 
So history is a lot more definitive the Pentagon is just one
Has a bit of history to it as I understand their study points
Step in the CIA and Asset points road to weakness or other
So they follow all the rules of course according to reports
Difficult trooping but in war separating fact from fiction 
Is in the end who won a trail of blood persist from time on
Mankind clubs and stones weaponry made their way forward
The dead remained behind then all the rules were invented 
I am throwing stones at this story but it’s a historical note
It is my footnote of that course in history and history in redress
A hand book of another color is where we are today push shove
May decrease the worlds opinions as I see their little story unfold
Example, “ You will be sorry if you go to sea, in realistic terms
A old story staring out from the reeds, the rungs or the smoke
Where division is created and told becoming the cross of George
A nation undoings like newer barrels this is my belief not guns
Or other bygones but continue to cross swords and worse the more
I am little asset to the current menagerie of defense systems existing 
Out of which the river that each is resetting is not the last crossing
How deep or runs the river the changing picture of war or on to the 
Settled peace that will change or become in a direction to permanency 
Not a lot of talk but a lot of peace a different color of Red to raise
Blue to raise white of flag to rise with both.
