Trail of Blood

The night before July forth a police report shot at a fleeing man
Sixty times taking his life the morning after a person fired a volley
Of rifle shots at the viewers of a parade celebrating July forth holiday
One thing doesn’t predicate another in this case prayer breaks the mold
The specifics are horrific but this is the latest in Americas, trail of blood
Why are these things occurring the nation rode the bull on this long day
And came away with some injury in which hands we hold our independence 
Think that some similar resemblance made does not stand to the bravery
Along side of other things of valor but this was not courageous rather that
What may be expected ie, Lenny and Bruce jumping from the train on route
Yesterdays required reading from another time or the boatman who’s rule 
Is now led by the ruin of the wolf looking through the clouds at what the
Finger is painting perhaps tilling what may be tomorrows peace broken 
But then they use to create scare crows throw rocks keep away the birds
Journalism my trying pen notes this to what others say center stage of life
In the midst of religious anger strike of innocents their travel to homage 
The internment of the coffin to the coffin itself is blasphemous to God
So from one expression to the freedom of choice there is a hammer to ruin
The others principality with God wherein exists God the rule passed remains
And all the things the Devil makes owns so the Devil exist in another form
Stronger than our existence but for our faith which we fought for and hold
Forsaking some sense for some other not to peek between all the lines
You and I differ and believe the closest star is, three stars in a conformity 
Where life may exist in some expression more than a pond streaming life
A solar system older to very intelligent life forms where it is presumed too
NASA is in charge to look at what kind of life may exist there and thereof
I am a writer convinced we are under a watch a world with many flags beliefs
A hello to ours from which we came.



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