The race just begun.

The old log cabin that sat there bravely 
Summoned the likely few
Thereby we sat religiously aware
Then came the talkie that talked to you
The things once were now stare 
Dismal with change old to new time zoo
The challenge to go beyond the seafare 
The great door had many still to sea
Hands ringing the bell called liberty sits 
Waited for some turn of new found fate 
To exclaim your pronunciation of thee
Or the three monkeys and beer in tow 
I am the spring meet in every outreach 
Escaped a day of slavery my statue stood
Was high but limped before I fell bled 
I gave you by George King all the day 
Queen by night the wisdom remained
Was garnered by a pen that exposed such
Imagined email I seem to recall graven
I do recall their fathers images way
Theirs is a document without Gods Clay
Clearly Gods words are owning to God
We live to see Gods throne owing none
And to provoke the turnaround still
Heaven is in the balance believing 
Or just begun.
