The little embassy of spoof.

A million thoughts were recorded none more
The questions to gain later became as noted
The foot race but for the street called into being
Seen the social ball bing the heroes acclamation 
Brought by the house to its feet such became for all
Saturdays call of the trumpets not horse and carriage
Seen trotting on the next day in victories raised call
The much happiness of the waiting celebration begin
Are we all a bridge over time seeking just due prayers
In the shadow of trust given the rights to such being
This will lead you from the nail and cross just placed
Near to gold sin and of course your course leading now
The many cross the welcome mat wear away welcomes
Ringing but in sight touch upon the asking of presence
To bring light the realities of life reaching on to earth
But only one view realistic and must hold true where 
The darken boat is tied up in the dark of space or just
Spoof that time left in limbo without will or gain but
Remain in the light to all remembrance reaching out
Now exist in a trying struggle such for all to remake
From the dust to the character stone heading rolled out. 
