Kubuki Court.

The Kubuki Court of the Mountain Earls
Chef  in charge duck soup and tinny fins
A place where the UFO,s well almost are
Come to roost a preview of the new world
Beside seeing what other archeologists are
proclaiming thought found we are becoming 
I jumped for the moment from other lands
away from Israel to see creative stone work
What’s behind the Tablet well for one thing
The hand that wrote down the scrolls perfect
lettering is one in man that should be thanked
The tablet behind the stone truth is in just line
carefully for posterity placed in repetitive act
The Acts of this particular religion of this age
To be continued, “sci-fi fantasy 
What’s behind the stones scrolls that hand
mind wealth of intelligence did done what
the world was, like many times gearing the
intelligence up down why in the first steps
the reconstruction of civilization the other
step the science of paradise lost.
