No Mo Gifts none to speak of.

The long trail winding about 
Came to the light at the end
Of the tunnel enter or walk 
About to the return passage
Such exist in histories tree 
Age of enlightening schools
Then brings bells a ringing
Hands in love no gifts given
Still do say I love you most
But the peace ☮️ is brocket 
In all the continents run swim
Or pick up the standard ring
Run or die in the desolation
The poor can never be above
The cut it is the realistic belief 
The prophet revisited “callout
Scrolls were found jars caves
Who’s history mention those
Scribes having leprosy clothes
were thatched reeds for wear
Even so the oldest family book
Of the Jews am aware to exist
Called a family history narration
By myself was recently donated
From a rich publisher to Israel 
Where is the history of the Bible
At and after Adam be that people
Of Israel robed slain in prayers
Over the role of religions practice 
Adaptation the later is different 
The world is very much different
Rather what was written and so
Showing up duty free came across 
With my berth and cap beneath my
Smile with reason retakes reach
Trusting pen 🖊️ I write to you
With tension and war the forefront
Little spinning petals falling down  
sleeping children without sin angels
so does the wind change tears remain 
I wait the call or banishment from my
way and pole to the heights beyond 
the moon it’s waging colors peek seen
As I came will forever remain to life’s
blanket of loves unending promises to
keep the waters as clear.


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