Worst of Stories.
The worse of stories with suspense
is one about a geologist who stumbled
on to a world forever known to passerby
as Venus's in design or drag don’t place
Your hand into it you may become more
of a measure of earth so true but in other
premise’s the planet is one to the end of
physics and more I would think equally
possibly hiding its secrets of many past
But different provabilities civilizations
mark’s encampment’s march and fall big
and small remnants unearthed remapping
where did the water come from originate
this we don’t know but believe water was
first a earth smashed into water then you
found birth so water must be in or one of
the many moons of the solar system the
ripple effect and orbit from the smash up
the space scientists view of earth and water
why it came first in a odd story don’t know
Is what the historical nature of story telling
may develop like the need for vacations or
science fiction challenge oceans of water ?
attracting earths to stimulate life probably
realistic rather the scale welcome because
the direction of life to develop challenge
the neocons or uncover the bugs.
you can understand even if you think you
understand this let’s look at the plant of
deceit there is a strain of a marijuana plant
which will produce longer life intelligence
pain and nerve damage care lawfully made
products under legislative law not off such
it could gain the advancement of social app
or a trap liken to the, Venus Fly Trap inc,
closure around everything as a whole state
in natures press straining the tea leaves this
Is kinda illegal to trick American Men and
Woman sorta like salting the tree stump mm
There are space vultures in outer space same
station chiefs some have very great numbers
or followers generally religious governments
the key of control is their faith they accept it
in or under time allotted promised after life’s
journey worthy mention, it is ditto and ditto.