The other side of the wall
The other side of the world still went or goes on
Never in the way we think or really want for the
Our thinking is look we went before your inquiry
But the book report the guy took home was tossed
Into the wind or so we thought now it may been the
Elephant in the kitchen something about UFO,s and
The other guy altar ego was mentioned privately and
What was said leads one to think the nineteen steps of
The mysterious Dr spot on why you lost the way think
Both corners of the page are instilled with fingerprints
Experts maybe UFOs visited here , Earth facts different
Or took up residence not impossible but from the other
Side of the wall I will return to writing behind that wall
Thinking repairing the wall the patchy bricks need newer
Trowels well needs a little bit of repairs pray that the flip
Of continents read the story report that beneath the other
Shell of top surface earth land is a ocean around the entire
So when it flipped on Atlantis it went to the bottom where
Some of it remains upright including the Cretan Bull stone
Statue and other things why they are now finding out this is
With flood lights and submersible vehicles worse I fear the
Possibility of a draining filter in which like a whirlpool exist
And dig this a purple pond appears has first pick What’s it.
The water hole lay near far in my travels seen I do truly think
That there dry days ahead cap the good days and return to the
Cool hands to victory without other bids how I changed views
Colored the picture tablet got stoned once so now it looks like
Tomato π
row I cannot bring myself against the grain become
A dissident in wait but look at where we are in peril in pain death
Why I vaulted the wall it doesn’t hold well defiance out of order
Better disagreements on said note I made known certain images
Of this read and become that another remains on secure grounds
The churches gown pen and paper truth along the roadway world
The cumbersome load be ever so in holy sight being laid down in
But screaming fissures coming from the Earth now best move on
Higher grounds away from the jurors and arrows justly a little of
Time in a bottle released Smoky evidence praised or poisoned the
Water where life all began it can hold its breath on seeing all this
Upon their plate where your reflection is cute or beguiled by one
Another to the pink shade or parasail πͺ brought you fame spirit
But none I mention reign you must the wheel of time is in perfect
Path where life somehow adds to all our day and things best done
By instruction or after the sea brought to the deafening standing’s
Applause remembers the history in written content even the Bible
Has in this view yours and mine a old and new testament’s called
Bible not all defines the words accordingly brought to believe by
Land and sea land I see now in other wars and seas the cult of the
Varying pocket beliefs still in perfect hands lands or conscription
Holds back the other tide with carefully chosen plans comes to be
One or the others roost yours or the wall beyond where giants are
Thought to roam cagey story think to believe evidence kinda point
Of rocky prisons where bread their evil was denied and flesh their
Sin but if as big as five stories whatever could eat a lot rather not
What remains victims of ocean flipping where Atlantis lie in ends
Waste near the walkway conscription reveals so to include flipping
Lands contain mappings but flipping is silent a killer in hold way
The hands of Martians no maybe so but home is for the brave of
Heart no less the cause to call to arms there is no flipping record
Time and place had no beliefs except for some of those Dinosaurs
The story has its ups and downs cause it’s fable don’t believe that
Heart ❤️ to hold I jump the wall and called out my moves chess is
The other string of the moment it is not King Arthur safe it appears
With the only belief lost become a interest or content or lore seems
The ocean flipped the world called Atlantis the only other belief it
Rained for forty days and night my belief it rained red such a long
Moment it did not totally sub come trunks and trees held arms long
I believe it’s pathway pause are the darken mystery of human life
Including primates and higher forms of life the balance of change
That begun what is today the call of the new and old the high ledge
The cave man looked from the overhead cliff in lost griefs that such
Comparably was the end of what was but I cannot run from cause of
Which brought me here I said so once before but where I came from
Whence the world remains raised such questions does red run red or
I explained look π on the door said what brings you here I bent the
Social call fine tuning it heard saw yes see to shining sea emerge but
Not bring back to where the world runs in clear step behind the other
We have made known I am not either sense my reach condemns the
Lost of time more important a social stage or flat world do not follow
In fear of change of venue believe not look the climb brought man to
Bring about good cheer does appear at Gods feet to those close follow
Or forfeit said unprovoked will fall on harder times poking the flames
A better belief the retreat you take the music you hear are signals and
Times gathering returning to something above the shame once left but
Not the earth alone. I saw the earth the astronaut sent from the ISS by
Other wi fi a beauty not any greater than we believe a place of stolen
Beauty Earth of blue beyond rose where the bending light in pitch for
The curve claiming throne than rather measure your just look.
In that city of lights afar it drew the curtain to close the nights sights
To see now still in darken robes what thoughts do ring those things or
Dunes of where beguiled quiet rings parallel to insanity thought to say
We think the legal residence passed hands the other day down only in
Whispered long syllables break a rule become human play the piano.
It’s a rocky path you play by the rules no walking barefoot talking by
Phone tablet is allowed the path still in use it looks to be my thoughts
Reason importance and nil to nothing I believe the night of none but
Darken skies lighting up a storm becoming breaking for a moment to
Stare the wall down when the wall was built the Indian's were on the
Warpath that thought for with we do or they want recall I do recall and
Write my thoughts unanimously in agreement to point the investigation
When recall came this way where Rosie sat to think we can do the other
Said Rosie won but men die too on the road seeking the cross and sword
Other rungs of the ladder the hurried project that the pole note prisoners
Of that house and time finds duty first curses as well falls on nonspecific
Reason running beyond days slowly awful city in default but for God and
Man reaching beyond ask for bread others follow for reason ask salvation
Some in a whiter like satin grain raise the warnings see memory in default
Came and went the very long road the white satin plea came and lowly sat
Rose up from earth rubble which led to the forever known war which now
Are kinder by the media as this type of long conflict long consequence are
The forever wars wait you haven’t heard the end the stupid people in the
Rodeo room tested the helicopter buzz drone Ingenuity on Mars the report
Said a few hundred times as wanted by the NASA directors less than dozen
Tries jerking it around perhaps some kind of stupid explainable storyline is
Going to be released one day, don’t give them rule it’s your and their belief
Now after this we at least know another planet has maybe a autobahn beside
Lights highway maybe a military highway maybe that other sticky thing or
Robots building robotic stations but for that determination, is centered about
Try getting satellites or jets to take photos from outer space positions for our
Intelligence grouping or by it and their capabilities but have now the tiny tiny
Helicopter had nothing to do with this perhaps the very large caverns or caves
That are seen on Mars from space might notice something unusual from it one
Day if it came out and crawled around if such exists with awful evil martian
Eyes it will show up in another time but all is not lost for Ingenuity because it
Appears Ingenuity landed on its touch down wheels where it rest today given
This if it’s internal radio center wasn’t damaged repairs can be made with the
Replacement of the rotary blades maybe something else was responsible with
A wrench may be used to repair and replace new rotary blade to replace the old
Well the space force will have to come up with a repair kit hay this is a money
Project bad intelligence is kinda like a bogus bill it doesn’t stand the test sorta
Like to ask revamp the play but stay away from rodeo team NASA gets a low
Mark my thoughts. My eduction misses the mark by miles and miles reason
Against all flags I cannot come and do this writing my critiques also I suffer
From acrophobia fear of heights and Martians so where is your belief reality
Leaders are not mine or yours that make bad decisions gotta be some kind of
Nut show I’ll go further what are those upright stone figurine's on the bottom
Of the Atlantic It’s just a nut show something we have to understand today.
I changed course a bit returning to my thoughts the wall has now some writing.
Well just beyond the wall contemporary walls went up liken to a draped curtain
Of dust and smoke ruins being left in light exchanged the day barber pole the
Rise in bloody conflict including the worse leadership as if some went to sleep
But the never short war near enough to think and say are you really free today
I lay and wait the home front begins with raised fists New York to Israel watch
Wait the darkness roll away I sent you where come the age of screaming voices
Gentile Jew Palestine following of which hunger seen the world over raises the
Bar bring not this law boat dumping the dead and injured over my feet yonder
Be gone in the shadow take the racial profile with you your inclusion this day
I cannot but begrudge those these unpopular days without thinking their unjust
Gavel is handed over to a very real devils cove say anything you want in either
Way the world is waking and watching a world Contradicting freedom beliefs
Was laid on this stone, all men woman are created equal but some more evil are
Left out are free to stone discolor their hands carry stained blood have for rule
It pre-sues to their real end. Read the newspaper this hour it said all quiet on the
Highway things starting moving late all the start up roads lead to Rome or once
Be what it was once said I believe this but also take concern the sprawled dark
Unknown like Hollywoods moving west remnants of another time flipped that
When the entire country nation in the west wing went under water with those
Those ancient civilizations perished in the Atlantic zone the anchor base broke
Down went their world Atlantis and the Cretan Bull era it was their belief and
More then with great flood lights scientist are uncovering previous nations were
Believed fable brought tells those fables for a few Pennie’s I am paid not for these
Or those there is trouble on the horizon always problems meaning democracy end
One or the other will perish right or wrong in case you missed it a laser from space
Would be fodder to loosen the core balance and sink the continent USA πΊπΈ all in all
“In my inbox I read, the mask are off but they don’t care, the case of public cause or
Recall my reading and editing the public play the chess games to the lowly corner
So I thought to say if the walk now is another foot race to a longer run than shorter
Comings it’s not a rhyme anymore is the stronger will prevail whatever their views
I took a deep breath the field way has trees and bugs shading the ugly wall in repair
The path runs this side of the wall and on the back side hear others in campsite cry's
The thunder of the sky above meets and greets the long line beneath the little picture
Has grown into a swelling puddle the splash π¦ of puddles resonate along the walls
I note the light drifts to the beat of the drum being that the suns light drift over Eden’s
Wall not all is fair or well meaning or well coming the stealing of sunlight will make
Its way over the bricked wall when the humble resign and become the counted legacy
Naked homeless man without heaven any bow and arrow only we remain wounded
To that string beneath the wash of our privilege's where we ended and where became
In a worldly fashion of survivors or is current the way waters remain in times baptism
Portal to better things division and road to follow. Daniel pictured on the other side of
The coin was knowledgeable except the lions kept Daniel away, Old New Testament
Are liken to some bibles stories and walls that collapsed leading to from looking back
The wall has many stories that carried beyond. The weather began to change different
In a little measure I remember as I peer in the sky talk the pictures of a unexplained
Incident a vortex some kind was said to caused the ocean to erupt like a weighted can
Was dropped on the ocean bucked like splashing from something rather a evil doing
Some will and some won’t go beyond this belief each morning brings newer stories
The worse I noted was the mirrored tale of the campers found in the campsite mess
They settled down to a work study, they were in a gruesomer discovery eyeballs torn
From the people that moreover the report say little about suggesting evil and fear had
Kept investigations very narrow and small. The bird flights of nesting blue canaries
Flew overhead accounting for damage done to the wall none in hand wait whats next
Bird business or the newest episode in waters beyond the drafty halls juried calendars
Under water can’t do anything wrong but as I walk along the wall text and write to all
The way to home I struggle to believe where it began as does the winding way find my
Just compass and reveal many tall stories the longest being, ack ack but the MilkyWay
In nights starry past exhibit glory and promise the song parting “all fall down, keep close
The wall anger is complicated. The call out from reporters seeing the supportive for the
War to end being that the nearest at a rally in front of the court house trying to charge a
Crime against the Great White Hope or a Ex,President which my theory they could have
Changed the election results with one key π in place the print became invisible at some
Specific point and new numbers popped up likely immediately if there was corruption you
Have to draw the line enough is enough it’s like the bad weather world wide we are in the
Square of it that change like a parrot talking english. When I came to the Wall I vaulted it
But sustained injury that seems gone presently my mind as well but rising in another time
From some fear I make these notes down the pathway the other side of early explorations
Has the ring of golden conspiracies where gold gold becomes a spin either in coin, exche
-quer or the run of exploding gold gas atoms of gold little sci,fi there but I don’t exclude
It ever knowing how gold is kept world wide in bar and rooms with many doors and coves
I care not to complain if no door down the way appear well because of carry and go let’s
know how the early American settlers had hard because of the backlash conspiracy gaining
That went with them from the Alamo through the civil war drama to today amending laws
Go west was at arms length dumb dumber although I know how the early American settlers
Carved their dreams it was two conflicts where their Wall and bullets weren’t enough that
Behind the fallen words and walls it gave way to a struggle but there is no proof against the
Wars, that took it to the civil war footing's and certainly a long darken history of truths and
Myths but for tongue waging stories they brought their concern up front and in men’s hands
Remembering woman weren’t allowed to vote but concern was for the return waiting such
Was the way of the ladies with large bonnets or head-ware what was free was all very costly
Until the next century when the ladies won the right to vote in state and national elections
But if we took good consul we saved the world look at the walls it went through now in
Disrepair speaks of the lines of men which died in these conflicts unrecovered beneath our
Perilously journey I speak to yourselves a promise made kept I wrote this down on walls
Many patches to remember, some will say Remember the Alamo now it’s fire and flood the
New hardship Americans are facing these things fire and flood are the new given concerns
So if the walls comes down they played that song only to stretch the borders inside or out of
It’s previous stone markers to its newer lines of course good consul helps but the other was
Liken to cane mutiny we saved the world, joke some above don’t think that way where the
Road differs as did religion's go their way historical reference are many including pen brush
What do you think or your thoughts go further one of the benefits of walking along the wall
Are none of the above carefully considered but I think none of the past changes becoming a
New breath of fresh air windows carry opening I explained before a rocky picture with some
Broken edges are more telling the edges are the forest within another wall the hidden Realm
Reason and research extend out little world great belief or hunger reaching out on a raft with
Little chance will gain the primos path and bit earth π in wait I recall seeing a chariot race
In circles along a another wall Hollywoods great era such simplicity keep the race down to
Double down look at the jolly ranger rather a make up outside the door of Englands Greater
Church at someone’s discretion during, Charles 111 coronation, now is a wall in wait a step in
The path bore night come all these things alone brings a moment to nap night come another
Time not yours to rancor senses are brought to another level, Apple in tree equals lost fallen
Taking the last leaf, cicadas coming morning read recently made, little ladders in their plan
Fortunately they fly come their plan not ours out of the ground place the plan now hunger in
The barrel our barrel but never eat this bug figure out what to do with it taxidermy is my
Belief but one against this will not end its bug raid, maybe, Raid The Bug Spray, will get
Them or become relief behind other side of the wall, wait and see. I am ready with stick
Stone and Raid shovel by the wall side small plastic pail not for begging my story seems
The crown I make part of my defense but let’s wait for it to break the earth and rise from its
Gluey mud I cannot understand the warrant nor the stories about big foot I don’t suppose
Any of it to what will happen next with the bug story all the earth is their play ⚽️ ground
The other story reads where the apple falls remains be seen the spirit of play comes now to
Call. The day begins and the day continues but the bugs wake from its criminality and then
Scourge the Earth come what may the prediction scientists think are reason studies are made
And it eats all the leafy greens this don’t make sense to me unless the Martians all against
the weight of this world maybe creating what I think as bugs invading earth and keep my
shovel near and behind me. I have sort of have a distrust of Martians π½ not this little fellow.
shovel near and behind me. I have sort of have a distrust of Martians π½ not this little fellow.
We are a Martian Grab Bag best I can make it out to be such we are but must rise up out of it.
This doesn’t mean grab you take away and study you in space ships no not at all some really
Think this happened it could by mind boggling control of person place and what we call brain
Manipulation in believing your being attended by medical professionals no probably searching
One rooms mind or the root of evil then it may just be AI Martian type trying to unlock the old
Typewriter have since built better by George AI is now a good word processor building on this
What I think the Martians are doing is better near in secrecy secret what they ask or want
Than I know or most believe so when it rains it rains in batches mostly or that you think
One way or another then you missed your calling ran to dryer places and added on to the
Conspiracy with grappling hooks to take you away so the central arguement is like the spread
Of richer butter poorer peoples caviar and poorer the spreading is becoming thinner the early
Left recourse no other direction but to enter the great religious revival where once the stately
Wall was a prince and princess Great Wall dining under guard and Gods watch it so believes.
Homes walls castle on high in the moonlight carried the colors of which more quickly turned
A little grey when evening came ushered by a bit of darkness looking at it now a evening thru
Rose π₯ colored glasses to which lie reason my other in belief against the winds of time band
A changing picture laying on to a browner earth by acclamation falling leaves turning a richer
Drying coloring where run the fall of reason remain unbleached have not begun smaller twigs
For tomorrows inspection in the sight of all in Such Gods Realm glory a trusted annex church
In sight the stone we brought and placed for the cornerstone remains in sight to the faithful of
The moment joining a standing prayer beyond the tarnished walkway beyond where this other
Gift of the rose lie when the world began I also rose in rank from life’s plunder and change or
Very beginning you and I proposed but differences rose between things of life we later saw
You held my breath but ran away as I left your beautiful embrace such that I left you only to
Remain adamant only time and justice to our belief will tell where I remain in touch or to the
I am sincerely yours, from a letter to home beyond the way to return beyond a trying effort or
Splendor return what brings you here my tears are many from my dry sleep to awaken hours
What begins our tool chest reaches out to the farthest corner not all speak your language well
To be well said but not repeated of course not known or is it spoken I can in long study read
And write many words I stumble with yours connecting word after word even so I am very it
Seems excited beyond words where I have reached and from where I began to now it’s done
My words will never die in Gods reformation as long as we exist if only a thank your reason
Blended these days in our lives to exist but others in man is unpromising as is the bell π️ to
Return mine is mentioned. I know not seeing this nuclear winter π₯Ά predicted behind I am
This winter past but what is developing is the dangerous escalation and present edge this war
Now is being managed and supplied, the dead can’t work or comment but it is going to grow
Larger well they can’t be told maybe changing keys will hold, or explain this differently said
The couch where people talk to registered doctors being sent to Alaska nothing left to accuse
Still light enough to make out the next break in the wall leaning tree it looks to be fallen on to
The red bricked ugly wall I hear people talking there are ventriloquist among them because
It sounds are near to me I think a way to get another vote what must not go around, are dead
Fishes that smell badly, I think I will wait till all are gone and return if true to this awful story
Funny change of direction sit on my folding seat runaway story from the wall revealing tacos
Like a bear dancing clown juggling balls the tent seating another had distinct mexican scents
Thunder and running proving I must go around into other parts mountain too high to go over
But remain in distant sight of clawing eagles in branch today forest hides hold such as wolves
In bays the distant and round runs beneath high towers woods-running over with white wolves
Such saw many wars in Russia and among the dead raised the children of great dread reaching
Grandfathers and from the windows saw the dead of time prevail over why my escape noted in
Effort prevail because I am made my mark upon their souls and only cross what you proclaim
The past cannot bring humanity response to the ruin they created on the table to supper basic-
ally because only ruin really exist where the children sit among the ruins where their only bit
Of bread have the hands of dirt making roadways but not the forces bringing bread your way
Forces orchestrated the forever long what came with bread and water are the forces long wait
The argument are from wait and see hunger doesn’t wait the bread that left other lands to sea
On sea and land Gaza port in the relief to Gaza inland bay from the United States πΊπΈ charming
The United States I saw that sticker on walls other side where the Uyghurs were marching with
Mexicans bring on the homeless make the seafront a great boardwalk for parasailing and beach
Volleyball against this genocide is what I think will bid just that my suspicions emerge belief
Though I see Mexican cause as liberating the farm land such as working it for its penny’s worth
Then this wall is lost making my decision to look distant I mention other wall endeavors worth
The effort one room at a time to paint I love the pictures on the wall I see starting my gate past
The fallen tree in Russia I would be thought of fleeing the draft of course not but Russians have
Different views of the conditions of draft but I am too old or looking for the spring life giving
Longevity and intelligence or that because I vamp Marijuana in the new plastic non refillable
Contraptions my plan is to understand the plant and aging because the plan to explore the stars
As has been done but as you are doing possibly by large telescopes and into gazette for study
Being made with the purpose study science and university I know these have been or are steps
Being studied, but it is what you believe is creating an interest among the research community.
Which like a traveler I am at times by word or other communication but there a error beset by
The apple cart if the wall takes me to Russia China boarder I may be thrown out a window say
More Look at this report it is like a teeter Tod er made for adults studies where you are being
Recharged the thimble your tool I.E. the wall has many stories the least of them has a thimble
A Return to Glory and love or Gods measure from a dream as I do rest and dream of greater
Glory say not a darken sun or darkness run exist for me to judge as it reveals its many faces
They all it seems return in form but no explanation of it was made for gold is gold no other
Change often hand to hand even after darkens earth may hide still gold only fools gold not
Apply for it reveals many faces some with a hand holding a mask on a stick not a stick on
A person last mask but the classic mad men often spend time behind other walls who’s evil
Is another penmanship of permanence signing eviler ideas to the masked wall engaged evil
Leaving no refugees to wander into another limelight and hear or outside the door what’s
Happening rehashing the broken pledge not growing that is not what I see at the walls edge
But the newest memo pardons Marijuana troubles on line but their are proponents really not
On board with legalizing the drug in present form all in all but time their creditable position
Trying to reverse eroding a controlled cannabis law in their hands people with grudges that
Bear witness against the law. The next hundred year future will change completely the views
And benefits achieved as well as a ton of wealth but enough of this another order will stand
Perhaps it’s misunderstood memos of yesterday what remains of these posters such the roads
Meet and take them down well each one had some kind of buttoned shirt the picture showed
I refer to the stone figurines on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean photographs as well appears
The cretan bull era the still photos taken there evil never succumbs or what was thought or
Who owns the gold you don’t want to part in way with to post these such were yesterdays
Road to the dark speak easy castle with drawn gates only remanent that remains today rings
Broadly as the other side stands around a TV receiving ideas seems to be in my empty way
What makes me wonder given brain washing is a candle of their conference call as I suspect
Bearer of the laundry list bearer to shorter life and in long preference the future what did you
Expect me to say what you made out they beat no drum for that being the walls state and care
Other side commotion where to listen record cause you dislike everything who’s nose is not
In their constitutional shape I have seen a million days of time who's calendar time reflects
Not noses but another kind rule which you betray for self and shelf your long history secure
We can always develop a space station in peaceful accord with friendly followers not the old
If your not in bankrupt way of intelligent reasons losing favor in the time will heal all wounds
You may not like the fortunes there but once made and done it may become clearer the course
Update my research full of dimples rule watch and wait or send and pay. Mays First Saturday
Brings the Kentucky Derby race, this Derby is the 150 anniversary’s of the Kentucky Derby race
I will bring it back in my letters you don’t understand the research civilizations developing horse
Racing nose to nose is coming but to rally against is to bet another race horse is your choice and
Challenge you make I figured out long ago if I wanted to eat good gamble on horse racing or be
Set in more days of hunger I lose. I am not set to bet great sums no I bet from my iPhone and it
Cost dime bets are part of many race tracks fair where I stay near clear of the deep windows bets
But rally which you should against it do in secret maybe the darkest corner is begrudging your
Call earliest signer of the accord went a step too far in fair justice fell with a fowl bullet or thing
The thing history don’t explain or who’s pillar your head rest on which really means mutiny just
That they become liars in the other view know to be just that but through all kinds of barriers are
In wait another portrait in thought and belief all is well cataloguing the galaxy and millions other
In the spring of life and life’s nuptials in portrait compelling belief all is well.