Walls of Mars

I have since starting my Blog where I discovered some facts 
About Mars proper from NASA overflights and study of Mars
Questions about its interior history not a bird dog nut storyline
What I mean relative to a compact picture of Mars mystery’s of
Age and decline some of us are in that finality but before it wrinkles
Our story or suspicions and I have made many which I am compelled 
To believe to write or as with many will perish or become much clearer 
I mentioned before of course I have enemies there in that parade some of
Which stopped by the other wall now silent vigils on top looking πŸ‘€ like
Gargoyles where I believe the past will haunt the future given πŸ’¦ water
And dirt mix a possible toxicity on Mars this thought of mine I developed
From NASA satellite taking photos of Mars top and bottom discovering big
Caverns or sink holes I don’t know how big that might be but is it big enough
To fly B52s in and out simultaneously I wonder always scary stories to think
About or weather its walls have gold steps or spy steps as lighthouses wander
In a rounded fashion I raise this again or exist on paper tablet in research read
The walls down to hell and return the scientist may give this thought a fanning 
A large wheel blowing air from the holes in Mars interior or even a fan to light
Operating it if something is weird there the specifics may be just a little different 
A little bit of Mars disease could fly your way one day but just another wall story
I can go on and on sand disease everything and everyone is suspect or looked at
To NASA instruments on Mars not working or bad minds behind the discovery 
Gone bad so until things about Mars take a positive turn understand this drama
About the walls Mars upside wall the walls caves of Mars. Then the later years
See the worse return of astronauts burn we can’t fault ourselves because we are
Not to blame but coverups or carefully said one family should not run America 
Whether sitting standing rally against freedom of speech freedom of well being
Perhaps Mars in some other measure roll the dice there is a bad side of all this
Caves may become relief refuge to what ever horrors come to pass let’s go back
Mars Wall is not Normandy three types of thoughts pop up, I make no excuses 
My belief another story but before I continue on, I am reminded by the call πŸ“ž 
Out as told by President Trump to Israel leader, if you like it so much you pay
For it, referring to cash payments to the Israel Government, awful position to
Leave with Israel untouched. I make no excuses my belief another story.
That or we will find one day because our dig at the same time uncovers from
History the devils claws grip and dig deep into the walls Mars red walls inside
That turning greyish red like a walk path way in and out a escalator of some bit
Some kind from early yesterday a report said USA space vehicle πŸš— became 
Contaminated this is a bubble that is going to burst all around them not leading
To COVD another thing I didn’t know or today remember just saw a note pop
Up very recently. Another note, I wrote a poem to a person who the rodeo said
Was dead the other rodeo is the game on in charge not beyond the wall I leave
To some thoughts or smear you cannot reach my web to destroy or as I want to
Think and say to them I don’t want to, keep your belief on my blackboard your
Name in sacred bond family bible no more even a new republic to grasp straws
On and under beyond your reach of understanding or critics you have created
But come what may my belief the Martian line will be your red line that said
Of the wall you crossed beyond return or the Embassy long long road a effort 
Now in return established a word of caution not to lay down the arms defense
Space race the established line telephone lines why one family looks similar 
To another earthen plan but a once hand of peace is now a hand of grumble 
Why one family should not rule America but they cannot see only their selfs
Truly a mystery a cancer that will plague America for centuries time coming
I don’t want to alibi for their ugly wall that is how I see it cause they want to
Jackknife the story from its foundation. It’s become that a difficult long wall 
Why else and where else I notice the darkness becoming in reaching inside 
The metal doors and walls hold great secrets or just telephone numbers and
Safe space routes I don’t want to take any other passage that is provided by
Old Indian ambushes to rocket scientists I will reach that door of welcome
The coming days or years no greeting no ambassadors await me but return 
To the place on earth that sought redemption or the world with a very cause
I am not as hard on the court as the press being astonished by its direction
Contempt is the verbs coming into focus from or the new standards we will
Live by that is the new crisis and the door to the end of American Freedom
From the plan to end birth and life the afterbirth to birth itself the challenge 
The red roses compelled my attention to a step here and there were placed
In sight so it seems these red flowers have another liken to a squeaky sign
In the wind why atop the wall I continue on no promise or you atop the wall
Where the flowers end and had went is like the early steam engines abound
Another stop and go the wall will not support the crisis where big and little
Die under the sun or the nighttime sky just beyond the wall began and ended 
There is no justice on reaching the red shores at war saw walls shadow reach
Around my way all those in shadows way I sought cover not surrender’s arm
Knowing the wars become my flag of journalism in lots end I remember you
In my haste to leave the thunderous bay I went away a newer stage entrance 
Taken the best seat on the floor near the playing band and the world went on
Smaller but went on to achieve its worth it became this a difficult long wall
Why and how darkness is prevailing the sense of life’s light inside the metal
Door that hold great secrets or just telephone numbers and safe space routes
Or just a large leaning shadow I don’t want to take another passage provided
From old Indian ambushes to rocket scientist to reach that door of welcome
In the coming days or years no greeting ambassadors await me but return 
From Hell’s Kitchen from where it began to return with empty wishes and
Sliding scales.


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