The Walls Windows

There are cliff walls in the south west and areas west
Clearly noticeable in the American south west desert
Areas of interest with what I always refer as Square
Doors and window’s observable in sight of explorers 
Where they were discovered and once inhabited that
Habited square along the cliffs walls have a story all
To itself comparing this to other places in the world
Similar windows and doors exist of ancient cut outs
Or construction a question I thought about drawing 
A line from each in my mind or period into another
I don’t know which came first for whatever call it’s 
The windows and doors yesterdays alumni interest
Will never wain a wall and above civilization were
Somehow flourishing in a small world very similar
Stone works but the language and writing differed
Referring to doors windows created in walls cliffs
Mountains and later or earlier being a complicated 
Creative work of skilled artisans I am not referring
To the temples which existed one time and another 
Larger than life so the walls have windows that the
Researcher's might want and observe more closely 
Even to the walls I feared was a prison for another
People long ago natural selection but I note or one
Part of that other inside wall exist a stone image of
Their star that part of the wall doesn’t have a truer 
Date I believe maybe a blessing stone that stood a
Test of time the wall itself did not unlike Egypt ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡ฌ 
Israel ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ remanents down the road ages of these
Walls and Pharos are windows to its civilizations
Lasting likely very much longer that we all think
Including opening closing reopening civilization 
With their stone images and their beliefs possibly 
Simply put great efforts to the wall.
While writing about the many curls in and outs of
The wall checkerboard streets and imaginary free
Castle in the winds I particularly notice the position
Washington is taking with its European trading carts
Enabling longer range of its weapon’s to strike into
Russia with American made weapons in some cases
And others European weapon's give it to Ukraine to
Attack inside Russia, time to exit under Star Treks
Plan and go away, a serious unrealistic view of mine
So Putin he is in charge as Zelensky is in name only
As I read to understand name only from ditto to other
New role, too many casualties under his watch half a
Million or more combined casualties not enough right
I hate to use their names saying right wrong beliefs
In my spoon of caution but last year I was locked
Out of, R.T. Internet service, because of my caution
Now the European Elections and new parliament to
Make the path and direction will become and see what
That will be as opposed to one man one vote that new
Proposition or card game unconstitutionally vaguely 
Made not as I see it but as it is just that so Putin weak
With a updated weaken fleet anchored off Cuba for the
Moment near the coast of the United States ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ shores
Is worry something a very dangerous signal.
But two woman noticeable reemergence in the popular 
Casting of votes probably there is not a mean bone in
Their character or otherwise seen as I think would not
See their star promising coming into social providence 
These states have important social features such as great
Churches and following these churches have many voices
Where as Nato is a derelict state of non Christian positions 
I think Nato is indifferent to the churches concern because
It seeks to consolidate that belief to the killing fields.
Within the winds a flurry of ideas carried my ๐Ÿ’ญ thoughts
I did not want to give away to a aging requiem I am older
Than this wall I am behind all the walls but time my race
Ends is not near but it began when time was in a bottle
Now time is standing still for me I recall your name in place
I put in on a rose ๐ŸŒน petal sealed with kindness love only
Specifies to you and I forever in our dreams seemed to be
I forgot where pace and step the rungs that lead immortality 
To each to embrace because of my age I rest to write another
Day behind the wall the seat of time I mentioned from a little
Folding chair where your name I inscribed but on other side
Of the wall a friend believed was lost exist in my thoughts
The fall of the festival in the winds close to Moscow other
Cities where I believe lay my friend beyond my hand just it
Is Moscow is another thought and has a church in present age
Form sorta celebratory but other walls are known bluer eyes
The best is not knowing what you will find discover the test of
Time and that is the poets verses the heart ❤️ engaging hunter.
