Wall of Grey Sunshine and Blue Days.
We’re chipped into the mantle hammer and chisel
The wayward kind remembered not ever to forget
The way west followed the trail which broke into
Two directions the sun emptied its blue skies rain
And wash ponchos for night ware creeping snowy
Flakes the trees left their message as what became
Steady homes under sheltered trees the sky often a
Blue read like other mornings same was said slept
Beneath the grey walls others never left what time
Became or washed away the memory in the ruddy
Field the little gold in pan creek remain to the day
Where maze wave a sheet of yellow white for the
Hungry pickers hands when the world in the other
Place not in the winds sail took another course the
Sky seen in your eyes 👀 I brought you these gifts
Tea the leaf of culture honey from the bee and fruit
Of the magic orchard in the distant drums thunder
Lessened the day sunshine blue horizon where my
Call went unanswered I respect your love the sky
Spoke give us the moment or at least all you are
The moment of life's golden gifts the spell of all
It’s moments for the time I raced upon the wind
In glorious kite you spelled my name in passion
From one who in belief of another a truism ran
True to return and capture your heart for which
No rarer beauty exist my joy jealous moments
Share that which have become to each of other
And other lastings beliefs the returning dreams
My breakaway from, Sci, fi fantasy looks at the
Once greater time when the earth had dinosaurs
And wooden dinghies cave dwellers and artisans
In my adventure of a earth kind to my princess a
Queen by acclamation and later two step dance
One two the ball of grandeur and love it created
Not three but in the belief all things evolved were
Under a equal guise yesterday became the watch
Today came to whisper from the blue of space to
When the other worlds liken the one behind the
Great world bring birth and voice I speak about
To you in trust the longest stay forth with birth.
I wrote both of you one who’s beauty saw my eye
The other I never left you only in my dreams are
Such things made often by God the spell of time
Neither entombed with wealth or encrusted with
Name I broke no rule but love I am not in parish
Or priest clothe I am beyond the world I came
Beyond the pit of martian red dust I am the fill
Of things that only the mind should know I am
At where the world began I am away from hell
Purgatory I am indeed in a place where life saw
Itself and began to speak to me about my end in
A dream I am not privy to all your dreams I am
Not cane enabled for our world I am not the hand
Or sword in yours came my belief I am the voice
I hold of you in righteousness admirations I am
In the shadow of Gods messenger I am upon earth
In still form in this breath of life you kissed once
And said what I am you believe I am of the world
We so loved I am beyond the world we came to be
I am brought to kneel my love and hand inferred in
Such a moment I am eternal rush of wind unlocked
Spirit in a long cave I am the roses that stand thru
Times vigil love peaks where our mind sets its
Goal I am your voice of spring the sight I perceive
I am the mirror of time becoming resolved that bring
Upon my hand the glory of another day where the
Stars in brit array awaken respond to your awaken
Both are measures of celestial beautiful measures
What words have less meaning or more but retain
This light shadow of yourself equally more giving
The immensity of spring to summers day and falls
Short of thanks every day of life through the belief
Of pen another shadow taking the return to life's
Awakening Beauty.